Trial Lessons

Trial Gliding Lessons

At York Gliding Centre we offer trial lessons in two-seater training aircraft with our fully qualified instructors: no previous experience required. So if you want to find out if gliding is for you, or perhaps know someone who would like a gliding lesson as a gift, this page is for you.

Flights offered

We offer flights in both gliders and motor gliders (learn more about motor gliders). Whichever you choose it will be conducted in a two seat dual control aircraft with a qualified instructor on board. During the flight the instructor will demonstrate how to fly the aircraft and you will be given every opportunity to fly it yourself under his supervision.


The following prices are correct at August 2016: we reserve the right to amend them:

For each flight you have the choice of a premium aerotow in a glider (go to 3000 feet, expected flying time 20-30 minutes depending on conditions) or 30 minutes in a motor glider.

Single flight: £90; up to two further flights booked at the same time and then taken by the same person on the same day: £45 a flight.

All voucher holders are entitled to three months free membership of the club following the flight during which they may fly in our gliders at our members' rates.


All flights are dependant on suitable weather on the day, and pre-booking is required; for obvious safety reasons we do not fly in conditions of rain, low cloud or strong wind- if the weather on your day looks at all doubtful please telephone us on 01904 738694 and confirm whether we are operating. If we are not, we will rebook the flight for another day to suit your convenience.

On a cautionary note: our gliders are not really suitable for persons weighing over 230 lbs, and may cause problems for those over 6ft 3in tall. If this includes you, please telephone for further advice, which may include training only in motor gliders.

How to buy

The simplest way to purchase flights is to buy a voucher; these are available for one, two or three flights; you can either take the flights yourself or give the voucher to someone as a gift. Remember the voucher also gives you three months free membership of the club.

We do ask that the user rings to arrange the flight giving as much notice as possible. If you buy a voucher for one or more premium flights there is no need to specify whether you want to fly a glider or a motor glider until the booking is made, and if you have a multi-flight voucher you can "mix and match" glider and motor glider flights.

To allow for unforeseeable cost changes (eg: fluctuating fuel costs) vouchers are valid only for a period of twelve months: if you are holding an older, undated voucher please contact us to talk about re-validation.

To purchase a voucher, either for yourself or as a gift telephone the office on 01904 738694 during working hours, Wednesday to Sunday.
