York Gliding Centre Prices 2017
These prices are correct at March 2017; we reserve the right to amend them at any time.
Full annual membership £295
Families (2 adult, 2 under 18) £415
Country (100 miles away or over) £180
Student (with union card) £60
Under 21 £60
Junior (under 18) £45
Introductory (3 months) £75
Introductory following trial lesson Free
Members of other BGA clubs, per quarter £10
Guests of full members, per day £10
Flying fees
Aerotow, 1500 feet £23.00
Aerotow, additional 100 ft £0.80
Winch Launch £6.50
Club DG505, per minute, first 2 hours £0.42
Other club gliders, per minute, first 2 hours £0.37
All club gliders, after 2 hours Free
Venture Motor Glider per tacho hr dual £85.00
Venture Motor Glider per tacho hr solo £65.00
Trial lessons
Premium aerotow (3000 ft or 20 minutes) £90
30 minutes in Venture motor glider £90
Subsequent flights same day £45
All trial lesson prices include 3 months free membership